MIUI 1.8.12 Rey's Custom Rom
- additional init.d scripts
- flash_image; fix_permissions under xbin
- better sd r/w performance
- LatinIME from Cyanogenmod (More Settings and Dics)
- densinity of 220 <<< looks much better then stock 240
- i/o performance patch
- tweaked lowmemory killer
- small changes in build.prop
- LordMods Kernel (includes the battery fix)
- menue unlock thx to FormelLMS
- automatic zipalign for /data/app and /system/app
- latest MIUI version
- Multilang Translations (by www.miui-ger.de ; www.miui-dev.com and XJ)
- Busybox 1.19.1
- wipe dalvik, cache and system at flash
- GPS Status
- Host File
- Google Apps (Maps, Youtube...)
- Rom Manager
- Titanium Backup
- Twitter, Facebook
- Increased Wifi scanrate to 80
- snd3245 SRS support
- viperMOD
- APP Widget Picker
- OC/UV Beater2
How To:
Do allways an nandroid backup!
1. Recovery
2. Wipe Data/Factory Reset
3. flash zip fileROM
4. Reboot system
- updated to MIUI 1.8.12
- updated 4way reboot w music skip!
- added multilanguage pack from xj #1
- updated all apps
- removed incredicontrole
- added OC/UV Beater2
- updated kernel to #6.9
--- slow charge tweak after 95% till 100% - by Imoseyon (needs testing)
--- little tweak for smartass2 and brazilianwax
--- fixed cgroup system error in logcat
--- scheduler tweak (nohz limit)
--- pmem tweak
--- mm tweak
--- added real Jhash3 speed patch
--- hopefully finaly tweaked brazilianwax
--- compiled with Linaro gcc 4.5.4 (2011-07)Downloadlink:
uploaded it again to multiupload:
zip: http://www.multiupload.com/8OURNLM7OH
MD5file : http://www.multiupload.com/EED878NQHA (4b2d6115973801c4a1ecacb920fddcb3)