Ihr habt Probleme mit diesem MIUI Update?
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Folgende Infos brauchen wir immer:
- welches Gerät verwendest Du ???
- welche MIUI ROM oder andere Android ROM war vorher installiert ???
- hast Du vor oder nach der Installation einen Full Wipe (inkl. Cache Wipe) in deinem Recovery gemacht ??? Ja/Nein !
- bist Du von einer original China MIUI Version, auf eine Global MIUI Version gewechselt?
MIUI 10 Global Beta ROM 9.2.14 / 9.2.21 / 9.2.28
Unterstützte Geräte:
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MIUI 10 Global Beta ROM 9.2.14 / 9.2.21 / 9.2.28 Full Changelog
- Notifications about system updates are marked in blue now
- Notification badges were displayed incorrectly on the WhatsApp icon
- Optimized gaming experience: auto brightness, screenshot gestures, and Reading mode can be turned off automatically during games.
- You can open the gaming toolbox by swiping from the top side of the screen
- Floating windows for incoming calls during games
Bug Fixes
- Displaying items on the turned off screen couldn't be turned off on time in some cases
- Timer switch didn't work in some cases
Android security patches
- Update Android security patches
Application security
Added - Support for unlocking applications with unlocking faces.
Fixed - Sometimes the fingerprint icon does not appear.
Mi Cloud
Cloud service homepage redesigned, available space display is more intuitive
[but='en.miui.com/download.html','fa-download']DOWNLOAD - MIUI Global ROM [9.2.14 / 9.2.21 / 9.2.28][/but]