In diesen Bereich werden die Fehlermeldungen zentral gesammelt, für alle Androidgeräte.
Bitte schreibt euren Fehler in dieses Thema, mit Angabe von eurem Gerät und eurer zuletzt installierten MIUI Version od. Android ROM.
Wichtig ist eine genaue Beschreibung von dem Fehler.
[System] (Mi 3)
Fix - When MX Player was playing, zooming would cause screen to flicker (12-3)
Fix - Sometimes China Mobile devices couldn't open Wallet feature (12-3)
[Phone] (Mi 3)
Fix - Some special SIM cards (e.g. cards associated with multiple phone numbers) could not connect to the network (12-3)
[Lock screen, Status bar, and Notification shade] (Mi 3)
Fix - Toggle to connect to the Internet will appear in the Notification shade when user connects to a computer with an Internet connection using Xiaomi Assistant (12-3)
Fix - If phone (with SIM card) was powered off in Airplane mode, when user powered on again "No SIM card" would be displayed in the Status bar (12-5)
[Home screen] (Mi Red TD version)
Fix - User could only view one SIM card (12-3)
Optimization - When a notification message is "pinned", it will appear at the top of the main list in Notes (12-3)
Fix - When user chose to respond to an incoming call with a Quick response and touched "Compose", app would FC (12-3)
Optimization - Two items can be downloaded at once (12-5)
Fix - When user changed system language, app would FC (12-4)
Fix - Sometimes the horizontal line shading and images in notes would not be aligned properly (12-3)
[FM Radio]
Optimization - Canceled requirement to connect headphones before user could use Radio (connecting headphones improves performance) (12-3)
Fix - Fixed a problem that led to app quitting unexpectedly (12-3)
Fix - Sometimes virus scan details would display incorrectly (12-4)
New - "My account" tab added on the "My themes" page (12-4)
Fix - Sometimes when user applied a theme immediately after purchasing, app would FC (12-4)
[Video ]
Optimization - Faster discovery for DLNA equipment (12-4)
Optimization - "My videos" list is displayed with the most recent videos at the top (12-4)
Fix - Videos that were hidden, were still displayed in player history (12-2)
Fix - When editing files, user couldn't select the first file in the folder (12-2)
Fix - User couldn't take screen shots when watching some locally stored videos (12-2)
Fix - Sometimes the player history would be saved incorrectly (12-2)
Fix - Sometimes videos couldn't play in full-screen (12-4)
Fix - Sometimes after user quit video app, it would keep running in the background (12-5)
New - New version of weather data module (12-3)